Talos Gundam
Talos Gundam goes by many names, but honestly, it’s just easier to call him Talos. He has been with The ZONE since near the beginning and is the main voice of knowledge to the podcast. He is the Mecha Manager and is the go-to person for all things dealing with giant robots, but he gives much more than that. Talos is an old head and brings the old ways back to compare to the new changes in trending culture. We have reviewed anime, video games, movies and so much more, and each time he brings his knowledge of the old to help put a spin on each episode he is on.
Talos does more than mecha and robots though. He is a longtime D&D DM/GM that has ran several campaigns. His extensive knowledge of TTRPGs is a great sight o behold as a viewer, but to be fears as an opponent. He comes up plenty of strategies and defenses for all situations. Playing against him is like playing 4D chess as he finds many ways around obstacles to achieve his goals. He brings that hindsight to the table and has helped The ZONE move past difficult obstacles in this lengthy journey ahead.
Talos also is the head person in charge of our Discord. As we are still building up and growing more and more, Talos makes continual strides to help push The ZONE further and further beyond the limits to help bring new and fresh ideas for you.